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Moora Walk Trails: Stack-Cooper Reserve

This 4ha reserve on the south-west of town may be small but it’s worth exploring. Park on either Cooper Street or Stack Street. The reserve is a good example of the Salmon Gum and York Gum woodland that once covered this area.

Local group Friends of the Moora Woodlands led a project to fence the reserve from vehicular access and install signage in 2010. As you see from the reserve entrance sign, the flora and fauna count is plentiful so keep your eye out.

Walk it separately, or why not add it on to the Moora Carnaby’s Cockatoo Trail?


Length: 400m one way. (15mins); 800m circuit (25 mins)
Difficulty: Easy
Trail signposted: Yes
Terrain: Dirt tracks
Wheelchair accessible: No
Flora highlights: Towering Salmon Gums, Shell orchids


Download the Walks in the Shire of Moora Eco Trails brochure here: https://www.moora.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Walks-in-the-Shire-of-Moora.pdf

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