Cairn Hill
Cairn Hill is a chert outcrop south of Coomberdale which is covered with dense scrub dominated by Wattles, Sheoak and Dryandras, with many interesting understorey plants. A small track crosses the railway and you will find many unusual plants on the edges of regenerating quarry areas.
Cairn Hill Walk Trails
Cairn Hill Reserve
Located 11km north of Moora across the railway line on the Midlands Road, Cairn Hill is considered to be the “jewel in the crown” of the Noondine Chert area. This chert soil type appears sporadically along the Darling fault line from Three Springs to Moora and was formed through the silification of carbonate rock. Due to its limited extent, plant species not found elsewhere appear here and therefore is classed as a ‘Threatened Ecological Community’. Four of the Threatened species in the reserve include Acacia aristulata, Daviesia dielsii, Regelia megacephala, and Synaphea quartzitica.
There are no formal walk trails in this Department of Parks & Wildlife managed reserve but the suggested route uses tracks left over from past use as a quarry. You can park in a number of places, just find a shady spot and start exploring!
Length: 2.4km
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Trail signposted: No
Terrain: Loose gravel tracks
Wheelchair accessible: No
Flora highlights: Cowslip Orchids, One-sided bottlebrush